Thursday, December 25, 2008


I adore these girls.

Music: Feist.
Food: Naked Drink.
Hot Item: Posh leather handbag, flowy blouse, and skinny jeans.
Place: The city.
Needs: Cash money.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So, my last interests post was about music. I guess that just shows how much I love it. Whatever.

Basically, you should get a hypem account.

If you like music and blogs, then you'll love hypem. It pretty much rules. It's better than or any other site like that. If you know me and you decide to get an account, hit me up!

Song: CocoRosie - Werewolf.
Goal: Keeping up with my blogs.
Food: Berry Kix, if they still made them.
Item: Polaroid
Thanks to: Cullen, for telling me to actually make an account.
Colors: Obnoxious and Vivid...maybe neon?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This guy Hunter told us all about this dude Ronald Jenkees one day while we were all in the studio working on our art finals. Ronald Jenkees is Autistic and pretty much amazing at creating music. So epic. Take a listen.

Mood: Hyped.
Place: Anywhere you can jam, possibly the studio...
Dislikes: Haters on YouTube.
Goals: Learning to play piano.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Oh, the holidays....

There is one day of the year when everyone goes shopping. Black Friday. People wake up at early hours of the morning, grab their caffeine fix, and head on over to the stores to wait in line for hours on end in hopes of getting a good deal on clothes and other various items.

Seems like a good deal, but did I participate this year? Of course not. Why would I? It would make far too much sense for a poor, art student in desperate need of a new wardrobe to go out on Black Friday, right?

Whatever, though. It's too late now, anyways. It was just so sad because when I found out that Urban continued their sale to Saturday. I was especially mad when I went to apply for a job there (which I didn't get a callback for) and saw all the beautiful clothes they have.

I would just like to say that this would only happen to someone like me. I should have seen it coming.

Anyways, despite the fact that I still don't have a job and am ridiculously tight on cash, this is my Christmas list, or my would-be-Christmas list if I were rich:

Mood: Blue.
Drink: Coffee.
Icon: Anne Hathaway.
Fuck yous: Our economy and whoever didn't hire me.
Desire: Winning a shopping spree to my favorite stores or getting a rich and generous boyfriend.
Good reads: Nylon and Vogue.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Dale Chihuly.

I'm obsessed with his work. The man is so skilled with glass.

I signed up for my classes last Monday morning. One of the options for a project class was Craft and Material Studies with a focus on glass. I could have taken glass blowing.

But, no. I decided to take Craft and Material Studies with a focus on Fibers instead. This is only because it will probably compliment my intended major better, which is Interior Design. At least, that's what I'm telling myself now.

I'm sort of bummed because Fibers just doesn't sound at all fun or interesting. I really just think of quiet Friday afternoons and basket weaving when I think of Fibers and that just doesn't appeal to me right now. Hopefully my instincts are wrong and the class will be cool.

Drink: Tea.
New Obsession: Twitter. Get you an account.
Continuing Obsession: Facebook.
Music: Artist - Crystal Castles
Album - Crystal Castles
Location: Somewhere in nature.
Loves: Jewel tones.