Real quick, I just wanted to mention two artists that I just recently learned about. They're pretty awesome and I feel like everyone should know about them.
Ann Hamilton - crazy good at everything she does. Some of her work is sort of creepy, in the sense that it reminds me of ghosts and horror flicks, but nevertheless, she excels in her work.
Sheila Pepe - I don't know much about her, other than the fact that her focus is mainly with fibers. She creates these massive ropes and bindings which act as installation pieces and they're very bold and interesting. I'm taking a project class at the moment for Crafts and Material Studies with a focus on Fibers and I'm hoping to create something inspired by her work, for my project.

Mood: Anxious/Inspired.
Location: Studio.
Needs: Money and materials.
Things To Do: Buy a city bike and fix it up.
Food: Vegan Cheese Pizza.