Monday, November 24, 2008


Donations For Creations.

Saturday morning I met up with my sister, got a bunch of canned food and 5 articles of clothing and headed over to The Department of Graphic Design.

1 Yellow or 2 Blue. Only because I bought the clothing, the girl told me.

So much good art there. Best one was red, so I couldn't get it. It was by a dude named Sean Oneill, I believe. It was a huge black and white print of some astronaut with the words "Four Three Two One See The Earth Touch The Sun." I think.

I want a print still, if anyone can hook me up.

Two things I did get, however:

They're hanging in my dorm. I'm pretty excited.

Mood: Inspired.
Music: Jay-Z.
Newly Discovered Talent: Speed Walking.
Place: Richmond.

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